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Plastic pail packaging market Discussion

Plastic pail packaging market Discussion
Difference on plastic bottles and plastic buckets, a lot of times, we still come from the capacity to distinguish. 2L above general we are called plastic barrels, plastic barrels and covers a very broad volume, he said inner 1000L can have habitually call for the barrel. Currently, domestic manufacturers in the plastic bucket is also very much, basically divided into a large plastic bucket manufacturers and small plastic bucket manufacturers. Large plastic bucket is mainly industrial chemicals and other aspects of some of the buildings used both in the production and sale of small plastic bucket is a great difference.
     For small plastic bucket, a plastic bottle from the closer on the packaging and sales. Mainly used in everyday products packaging. For small plastic bucket, a key question is how easy to carry. Because you do not want plastic bottles plastic bucket can hold with one hand, therefore, how convenient to carry, it is a very important aspect. Use the tab in the plastic bucket to mention still grasping the handle body design, all we need to give more consideration when designing portable convenience. For large plastic
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