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How to remove the residue on the plastic chemical barrels

How to remove the residue on the plastic chemical barrels
How to remove the residue on the plastic chemical barrels:
1, with the eraser to rub a little bit along the inside edge, easy to mark. But according to your level of viscosity, time may be different. If the conditions of alcohol + eraser effect is very good.
2, you can take a piece of dry cloth stained with vinegar to cover the entire double-sided adhesive marks the place, until the double-sided adhesive sticky stains completely soaked, it can then easily removed with a ruler.
3, the heating can also be used to soften the way to make double-sided adhesive glue: with a hair dryer blowing about to make glue softens, when double-sided adhesive adhesion becomes weak, it can be more easily removed. If there is little trace, use clear nail polish to the light water to wipe. 4, clearing the time, whether it is to use light water or vinegar, to make sure these items completely wet sided adhesive marks, to be able to easily and effectively remove Oh!
5, with a little soap and a mixture of ammonia and turpentine can remove a lot of dirt and make the glass surface glossier
6, with good viscosity transparent plastic stick repeatedly tear, you can remove some of the surface.
7 with a little sodium channel water a rub on out, or paint thinner to be.
8, with a cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover to clean water.
9, the wind spirits to wipe.
10, use special cleaners or sneakers decontamination wipe cream.

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